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Faculty or Postdoc Positions at Hopcroft Center on Computing Science

The Hopcroft Center on Computing Science (HCCS), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, is set up in 2023, managed by Prof. John Hopcroft (Turing Award Laureate) and Prof. Kun He. HCCS aims at developing the excellence in frontier research and high-quality education. For research, HCCS will focus on innovative and significant researches on computing science and artificial intelligence, aiming to build a world-class center. For education, HCCS will deeply involve in undergraduate and graduate education in computer science and intelligent science, aiming to cultivate the next generation of computer science and intelligent science.

Focused Areas

1) Theoretical Computer Science: Approximation algorithm, combinatorial optimization, game theory, etc.

2) Intelligent Science: Deep learning, machine learning, data mining, computer vision, natural language processing, etc.

3) Interdisciplinary Research: AI for Science, i.e., the frontiers of computer science, intelligent science with other natural science disciplines, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology.

Positions and Qualification

 HCCS invites applications for faculty positions including assistant professor, associate professor and professor.  We are recruiting applicants from areas of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence. We are also interested in applicants conducting interdisciplinary research with computer science and intelligent science.

The applicant is expected to have completed (or be completing) a Ph.D. degree, with the ability to do research independently, and have a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching. A successful faculty candidate will be expected to teach one to two courses at the undergraduate or graduate levels at each semester, and to build and lead a team of undergraduate and graduate students in innovative research.

We are also recruiting qualified candidates for postdoctoral positions. The candidate is expected to have completed (or be completing) a Ph.D. degree, with a substantive record of research accomplishments, and the ability to work collaboratively with faculty members.

Salaries and Benefits

All newly hired faculty members will be provided with necessary startup resource and research infrastructures.  Salaries and benefits are internationally competitive and are to be individually negotiated in each case, commensurate with the candidate’s academic credentials.

The period for postdoc is 2 to 3 years, with 220,000-300,000 RMB annual salary, and other benefits like faculties from the university.


The faculty applicant should send a full curriculum vitae; copies of 3-5 key publications; at least 3 recommendation letters; and a statement of research and teaching to: brooklet60[at]hust[dot]edu[dot]cn (Prof. Kun He). To expedite the process, please arrange to have the reference letters sent directly to the above email address, with the topic HCCS faculty application + name.

Application for a postdoctoral position should include a curriculum vita, brief statement of research, and 2-3 recommendation letters, and can be directly addressed to an individual faculty member, with the topic HCCS postdoc application + name.

Copyright©2022   华中科技大学 Hopcroft Center on Computing Science (霍普克罗夫特计算科学研究中心)

中国 武汉 洪山区珞喻路 1037 号   华中科技大学 计算机学院 Hopcroft Center on Computing Science (霍普克罗夫特计算科学研究中心)   联系电话:86-027-87543885